Dec 16th, 2008 by RJ Menezes
Ford’s ownership of Volvo has been a mostly fruitful one. The Swedish cars sell ok, but don’t really compete toe-to-toe with the boys from Germany, Italy, an Britain. Still, that’s not the kinda of performance to make you want to sell a company, is it?
The latest rumors flying around the web are that Ford is indeed contemplating the sale of Volvo to the highest bidder. Ford has already dumped a major par of the stock they held in Japanese auto manufacture Mazda last month, so this new rumor doesn’t seen to far fetched. It’s no secret that Ford has been working on “trimming the fat”, as it were.
The Ford Motor Company is in a solid position to become the last remaining (if not the last, then the strongest) American car manufacture left. They’ve managed to keep their head above water, and at least not become part of this auto bail-out embarrassment. In the end though, they still need to focus on their core products first, and that means the stuff with the blue oval badges. Who knows, maybe then Ford can reinvent themselves as the last true American car company. Getting rid of excess baggage like Volvo can only help the cause.
Source: Motor Trend