Nov 20th, 2007 by RJ Menezes
Ford Motor Co. and Honda are the brands that produce the safest vehicles acording to the U.S Insurance industry. Both these marks lead the pack by providing more models with top safety ratings than other manufactures.
Ford Motor Co. alone boast 34 vehicles that are top safety picks by the Institute for Highway Safety. Honda has seven vehicles on the list.
Lot’s of these features come as a result of improved standard safety equipment on many cars including roll-over and stability systems on large and small SUV’s. This is great news for everybody who is looking for a new car as technology that was only available for expensive cars a few years ago is now trickling down to mainstream vehicles.
What is especially surprising is that Ford heads this list. It’s refreshing to know that even though going through a rough patch the past couple of year, Ford has kept such a strong focus on safety.
Let’s see if some more company’s will want to join these two in the near future.
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Still, I believe some people (like me) think in different way regarding this topic
Melyssa Ford
Thanks for the nice read, keep up the interesting posts..